Ever asked "Who was your inspiration" or "What`s your writing advice?", well, this answers those and so much more!
Q: When will you write Ch. 7?
A: Hopefully soon!
Q: Who was your inspiration?
A: I drew inspiration for their personalities from MLP. For their appearance, I originally modeled them after TPQ characters but remodeled them.
Q: What are your advice for aspiring writers?
A: Try to be original, and edit your work several times. Think of writing as if it`s a sport. If you`re writing about mythology/fairytales, don`t make it too dark! And lastly, keep trying!
Q: Will you ever write about other mythologies?
A: If I ever decide to.
Q: Will you write fanfic?
A: No.
Q: Who`s your most favorite Greco-Roman god/goddess?
A: I can`t decide.